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Lockdown skit 2

15th January 2021

Lockdown skit 1

May 2020

On how I changed the face of recorded comedy aged 12

1st February 2019

Hello pals,

In the words of George Harrison, “it’s been a long, long, long time.” But I’m back – with a new blog (this), a new haircut (resembles the Guggenheim) and a new podcast.

The raison d’etre of this post is to showcase (trans: archive) a comedy recording I made with a friend when we were 12, explain how over 30 years later I have emulated this process, and crucially how the two connect. But first a promo shot of the new podcast featuring the hero from my comic novel, Alan Stoob.

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On suffering

10th August 2015

According to Buddha life is suffering. All well and good, but has the Big B ever cycled up Alpe D’Huez – or indeed Archway Road – in the blazing sunshine? No? Clearly then he is in no position to pronounce on this grave matter.

Last week I participated in the annual Prudential RideLondon cycle event.

I suffered as I’ve never suffered before.

This is my story.

*insert original score by John Williams*

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On becoming a published author

19th May 2015

Long time no weblog.


Some reflections on entering the world of the published writer – by Saul Wordsworth of Wordsworth Writing Ink (geddit?)


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On being Alan Stoob

6th October 2014


I am Alan Stoob.

Perhaps you knew this already.

Perhaps you didn’t.

Perhaps you’ve no idea what I’m talking about.

Alan Stoob is a website, a Twitter account, a book and (if the planets align) a film.

I have kept my name hidden for three years but on the eve of publication and with Stoob’s cover already blown I’m officially outing myself.

Alan is Britain’s Premier Nazi Hunterâ„¢.

This is the story of Alan.

NHA Close Up

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On an encounter with Princess Anne

2nd October 2014

Yesterday I spent two hours looking for a photograph of me with the aforementioned Princess. Couldn’t find it. That’s two hours I’ll never get back. Could have watched two and a bit Houses of Cards or run a marathon.

I did find this though. Favourite picture from my childhood.

saul and bro cigar

But you’re here now, so I may as well tell the Princess Anne story.

*gets comfortable in Ronnie Corbett chair, adjusts glasses…*


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On a road trip across the USA

19th December 2013


In the summer Joan suggested a road trip in the USA. Joan herself doesn’t drive but that didn’t seem to bother her. And so it was that last month we flew to LA, picked up our mid-range Toyota and set off on what Douglas Adams might term the adventure of a liff-time.

Here’s a short video I made during our stop-off in Philadelphia.

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On encountering a suicidal maniac

24th July 2013

Oh it’s YOU.

Hello and welcome to my weblog. Funny word, weblog. Dated. Looks like it’s from the 1950s. Let’s move on.

Close followers of 2008 internet sensation will notice I haven’t blogged much of late. Some will be pleased to hear I’m about to remedy this to the tune of two blogs in one week, others less so. Either way it’s happening so get over yourselves already is it.

Today I’m here to relate my recent encounter with a madman.

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On being a monster

4th January 2013

Shit the bed and shag the cat, it’s been aeons since I last web-logged. Reasons for this include stuff, things, work, unwork and matters of a personal bearing. But I’m here now so stop shouting at me OK?

Am I a monster? I may be. Recently I committed an act that on the retell has shocked many of a gentle disposition i.e. members of my family. If you too are gently disposed, please read on and experience a small experimental heart attack.

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