On how I changed the face of recorded comedy aged 12
1st February 2019
Hello pals,
In the words of George Harrison, “it’s been a long, long, long time.” But I’m back – with a new blog (this), a new haircut (resembles the Guggenheim) and a new podcast.
The raison d’etre of this post is to showcase (trans: archive) a comedy recording I made with a friend when we were 12, explain how over 30 years later I have emulated this process, and crucially how the two connect. But first a promo shot of the new podcast featuring the hero from my comic novel, Alan Stoob.

On US Election night
11th November 2016
My head hit the pillow at midnight.
The alarm was set for 6am.
In the morning a Speed Awareness course for my heedless sins.
Let it not be Trump.
I woke at 3.30, rose and peered through the blinds. The rain was teeming down, accompanied by a stillness and a silence. The silence was disquieting and foreboding. Preposterous perhaps, fanciful even, but hyperreal to me: I felt a malign presence.
I turned on the radio.
On promoting your book
29th July 2015
Books, eh? So many published, so few read. Trying to get noticed is the name of the game (I should know, I’ve played it. Let’s call it a draw to date).
All will be explained shortly, but here’s a picture of my dad hard at work in our sitting room in 1986.

On Steve Jobs
6th October 2011
Two weeks ago I wrote an essay about former Apple CEO Steve Jobs for The Market Magazine. The editor and I had a feeling he might not be around by the time of publication. As it transpired we were nearly right.

On a new era of protest
3rd December 2010
“Two blogs in one day? Blimey Saul, you must be on drugs.”
Whoever said that please take it back. May I remind you we live in litigious times.
On the perils of Twitter
28th October 2010
This blog is about Twitter, the new craze that’s sweeping 6% of the nation!