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ANOTHER NEW SINGLE: Music and video by SW

27th May 2024

Track can be found on my album To Make Matters Worse Press One

NEW SINGLE: Music and video by SW

8th January 2024

Track can be found on my album To Make Matters Worse Press One


IMAGES: Devil in the Wilderness

31st October 2023

Dear DITW listener,

Below you will find images of key figures featured in the podcast series, plus plenty of my dad. In fact I’ve created a bit of an archive here, for you AND me. Enjoy.

CW and SW

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Music and video by SW

22nd January 2021

Track can be found on my EP Non Verbal Communication

Lockdown skit 2

15th January 2021

Lockdown skit 1

May 2020

Three Wordsworth Originals

7th October 2019


1 – When One Party Ends Another Begins

2 – A Dark Night in Turin

3 – Celestia


On Brexit (part IV)

10th April 2019


(another cartoon by mwa)


On Brexit (part III)



(cartoon by mwa)


On Brexit (part II)

22nd March 2019



(from The Evening Standard)