IMAGES: Devil in the Wilderness
31st October 2023
Dear DITW listener,
Below you will find images of key figures featured in the podcast series, plus plenty of my dad. In fact I’ve created a bit of an archive here, for you AND me. Enjoy.

CW and SW
On Brexit (part IV)
10th April 2019

(another cartoon by mwa)
On Brexit (part III)
(cartoon by mwa)

On Brexit (part II)
22nd March 2019

(from The Evening Standard)
On Brexit (part I)
19th March 2019
Dear pals,
It’s been nearly three years since the EU referendum. Therefore the time has come for me to reflect on the process so far.
On promoting your book
29th July 2015
Books, eh? So many published, so few read. Trying to get noticed is the name of the game (I should know, I’ve played it. Let’s call it a draw to date).
All will be explained shortly, but here’s a picture of my dad hard at work in our sitting room in 1986.

On becoming a published author
19th May 2015
Long time no weblog.
Some reflections on entering the world of the published writer – by Saul Wordsworth of Wordsworth Writing Ink (geddit?)

On being Alan Stoob
6th October 2014
I am Alan Stoob.
Perhaps you knew this already.
Perhaps you didn’t.
Perhaps you’ve no idea what I’m talking about.
Alan Stoob is a website, a Twitter account, a book and (if the planets align) a film.
I have kept my name hidden for three years but on the eve of publication and with Stoob’s cover already blown I’m officially outing myself.
Alan is Britain’s Premier Nazi Hunterâ„¢.
This is the story of Alan.

On the future of publishing
23rd March 2010
Watch this until the end – very good.