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On being a monster

4th January 2013

Shit the bed and shag the cat, it’s been aeons since I last web-logged. Reasons for this include stuff, things, work, unwork and matters of a personal bearing. But I’m here now so stop shouting at me OK?

Am I a monster? I may be. Recently I committed an act that on the retell has shocked many of a gentle disposition i.e. members of my family. If you too are gently disposed, please read on and experience a small experimental heart attack.

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On missing the trip of a lifetime

7th August 2012

Last month Bradley Wiggins became the first Briton to win the coveted ‘maillot jaune’ (yellow jersey) in the ‘Tour de France’ (the Tour of France). I was supposed to be there but through a combination of my own stupidity and impenetrable bureaucracy I was cruelly denied the opportunity.

This is my story.

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On witnessing the horrific

29th March 2012

This blog comes with a warning. There’s stuff on here you might not like. I hope that will be enough to keep you reading. If you do you will be rewarded by my ‘news’ at the end.

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On Lance Armstrong and cycling in London

Hello hello do come in.

Lately I’ve become obsessed with this footage of the Tour de France. The video features Lance Armstrong and Marco Pantani battling for supremacy on Mont Ventoux, the mountain where Britain’s Tommy Simpson died of a heart attack in 1967.

Below it you will find a video of your truly on said mountain…

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On being beaten up

10th January 2012

Oh hi.

Didn’t see you there.

Happy New Year! I hope 2012 brings you everything you ever dreamed of in terms of kitchen gadgetry.

I want to let you know about my recent experience of being beaten to death.

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On bankers

Well helleur,

A little while back I made this video for a client.

It’s not entirely hateful.


On Jimmy Saville

31st October 2011

In all my days listening to BBC Radio 4 I’ve never once heard a newsreader doing an impression of the recently deceased.

Until Saturday.



On recent events

17th October 2011

Hello and welcome to a blog entitled “On recent events” by me, Saul Wordsworth.

Frankly Mr Shankly it’s been a busy few weeks. So as to spare you the burden of detail I thought I might dilute my words with a smattering of pictures.

So I have.

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On Steve Jobs

6th October 2011

Two weeks ago I wrote an essay about former Apple CEO Steve Jobs for The Market Magazine. The editor and I had a feeling he might not be around by the time of publication. As it transpired we were nearly right.

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On Amy Winehouse

29th July 2011

When someone with genuine, coruscating talent dies before their time it leaves us all diminished. Such is the case with Amy Winehouse.

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